Digi Deep Green Challenge for Change


Final Week! Are u guys ready???

Yeah!!! We are in the final week...two more days before the presentation. The presentation rehearsal went well. Need to edit some of the information in the slideshow and improve the presentation skill. The presenter will be Cha (our group leader) for Challenge 2 and Aini for Challenge 3. All the best, you guys! Thanx to our mentors, Ivy and Cheng for coming to Uniten. They also visited our lab to see the prototype. Hopefully everything's gonna be OK...Can't wait for the 25th!

Preparing for presentation!

We are now preparing the presentation slide. We will have our presentation rehearsal on Tuesday with our advisor and mentors.

Things that need to be done this week:
1. Arrange for transportation of the porototype
2. Presentation slideshow
3. Presentation rehearsal

All the best to all! (^_^)

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year to our mentors Ivy, Wilson and Cheng...and all people reading this blog!
Hope you guys enjoy the celebration! And happy holidays too! (^_^)

Extended week..

The prototype is ready....Wanna see it?? Here are some pictures taken during testing....

The report was sent to the secretariat on 5th February 2010....YEAAAAHHHH!!!

Looking forward for the presentation on 25th!

This blog contains the progress of The Origin's projects in completing the Challenge for Change.

